The workplace regulations that dictate the use, storage and management of hazardous chemicals are crucial for maintaining optimal workplace safety standards. At best, they can be complex and constantly changing, but for many people they can be overwhelming. Chemical safety compliance is important, but equally so is being able to identify where compliance has dropped and knowing what must be done to become compliant again. This detailed knowledge that helps to assess compliance or non-compliance often takes an expert eye and an intimate knowledge of workplace regulations. And it’s precisely where Chemical Safety International can help your business.

Protect your employees, your clients and your business

Chemical Safety International continually monitors and reviews the entire regulatory chemical safety and management environment. Our auditors are fully up-to-date with what constitutes both compliance and non-compliance, and are able to provide actionable information for the benefit of clients. We can assist you with everything from SDS authoring to hazardous chemical labelling, as well as providing your staff with any essential chemical handling safety training requirements.

If you would like an independent appraisal of compliance with chemical safety legislation in your workplace, contact Chemical Safety International for more information.